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"It was indeed a very stimulating and enriching festival, superbly organized and executed, and I’d very much like to participate in the 2020 edition."

Kevin Dwyer, Anthropolgist

 "Attending the Amazigh Film Forum at La Guardia CC was a powerful experience. The sheer number of Amazigh films packed in two days was remarkable, there were films from different regions of Tamazgha (or North Africa), which reflected the variety of challenges and positionality the Amazigh peoples face throughout the region and the extent to which the Amazigh cultures and language have resisted, thrived or have been assimilated or erased in a short period of time."

Aitel, Fazia, Associate Professor

"Thank you for assembling a wonderful program. To have a public event devoted to Amazigh film in New York City is a testament to the cultural, artistic and political vitality of Amazigh people and their allies. It is also a testament to your -- the organizers' -- amazing commitment and organizational talents."

Rudolf Gaudio, Associate Professor of Anthropology

"Here at LaGuardia, we are blessed with incredible diversity—a richness of difference—and we are attempting to build a practice of global learning with that difference at its center. This program is a marvelous opportunity to learn from another context of contested difference. Our distinguished guests will help set that context for us."

Howard M. Wach, Associate Dean

"I would be remiss if I did not let you know how much I enjoyed participating in this year's NYFA. I had the opportunity to see two excellent films, one of which brought me back to my own life experience.  A film that can transport the viewer and instill pertinent discussions, is most definitely a successful one. Looking forward to next year's events. Thank you for all you do for the LaGuardia Family."

Josephine Curatolo, Italian Instructor

"Thanks for organizing such a fantastic cultural experience for the college community. I enjoyed Yuba's music very much. Maybe having spent some time in that part of the world helps me appreciate what you try to do with the festival."

Bede McCormack, Associate Professor of Education and ESL

"The Middle East Institute at Columbia University is proud and thrilled to be a co-sponsor of the annual New York Forum of Amazigh Film hosted at LaGuardia College in Long Island City, New York."

Dahlia El Zein, Outreach Coordinator at Columbia University’s Middle East Institute

"The New York Forum of Amazigh Films (NYFAF) offers a rare glimpse into North African culture...My students were enraptured by the films and astutely observed and wrote about the films. I wish I had the chance to see all the films presented. Hats off to Habiba and Lucy and all the efforts of everyone involved with NYFAF."

Caron Knauer, English Professor

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